DefDog: Is DHS Stupid, Dishonest, or Both? + RECAP

Is this more of the same as the alleged attack planning on the Saudi Ambassador? Stuxnet Clone Found Possibly Preparing Power Plant Attacks Security researchers have detected a new Trojan, scarily similar to the infamous Stuxnet worm, which could disrupt computers controlling power plants, oil refineries and other critical infrastructure networks. The Trojan, dubbed “Duqu” …

Robert Steele: #OWS Non-Violence versus Violence

Occupy Wall Street is at a delicate point both in the USA and overseas.  Despite its clear commitment to non-violence, police violence in the USA–and provocateur violence in Europe–are eroding the moral legitimacy of the Occupy Wall Street. 1)  Occupy Wall Street needs to maintain discipline, and both domestically and overseas, when provocateurs begin violence, …