Corruption cubed.
Petraeus tells CIA analysts to heed troops on war
AP, 14 October 2011
WASHINGTON – David Petraeus, the former general who led the Afghanistan war and now heads the CIA, has ordered his intelligence analysts to give greater weight to the opinions of troops in the fight, U.S. officials said.
CIA analysts now will consult with battlefield commanders earlier in the process as they help create elements of a National Intelligence Estimate on the course of the war, to more fully include the military's take on the conflict, U.S. officials say.
Phi Beta Iota: On the surface, this is a good order. Understanding both sides, however, suggests that this is a repeat of the Sam Adams – Westmoreland dictated fraud. The US military and NATO are lying to the public and to their respective legislative and executive branches about the continuing failures in Afghanistan, Iraq, and across Africa. We no longer post the recurring slams on the falsehoods being purveyed. It is so very sad when our senior officials are so blatantly lacking in integrity and depriving us all of the intelligence that we are paying for.
See Also:
Journal: CIA and the Culture of Corruption
Journal: Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP
Review (Guest): Fixing the Facts – National Security and the Politics of Intelligence
US Intelligence Lies to “Defer” to General Petraeus
YouTube Sex with Pilots vs. Intelligence Officers
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Intelligence (Most)