Robert Steele: Repensando la Inteligencia Nacional – Siete falsas premisas

Robert David Steele Vivas : Es fundador de Open Source Solutions Network, Earth Intelligence Network y la Revista Journal of Public Intelligence. Steele, ex agente de la CIA, es reconocido mundialmente como pionero de la inteligencia colectiva, así como también, por ser el primero en denunciar que la CIA y los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos …

Event: 24 FEB 14 0900 USIP DC Twitter Evolutions – The Changing Role of Social Media in War and Protest

Twitter Evolutions: The Changing Role of Social Media in War and Protest In this half-day conference, the U.S. Institute of Peace and the George Washington University’s Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication will host two panels of experts on social media’s role in political protest and civil war across the Middle East and Europe …

Mini-Me: BENGHAZI – Hillary Lied, CIA Complied?

Huh? Did CIA official suppress Benghazi narrative? Accounts raise new questions By Catherine Herridge, 14 February 2014 New information about the intelligence available in the immediate aftermath of the Benghazi attack raises questions about whether the former No. 2 at the CIA downplayed or dismissed reporting from his own people in Libya that it …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Call for a New Language of Environmental and Social Responsibility, a New Spiritual Covenant

[ Editor’s Note: Henry Giroux, a frequent author for Tikkun magazine, calls for a movement that challenges what Giroux calls “the neoliberal nightmare” and presents a new language of civic values and social responsibility.The ESRA–the Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and the Spiritual Covenant with America at are examples of …

Robin Good: A Great Alternative to RebelMouse: Curate Your Social Media Hub with Pressly Tool

A Great Alternative to RebelMouse: Curate Your Social Media Hub with Pressly Pressly is a new web app which allows you to create a social hub, similar to what you can do with RebelMouse or Tint, where you can aggregate and curate your favorite content from your social media channels, web site as well as …