Patrick Meier: Social Media – The First 2,000 Years [from Ancient Graffiti to Digital Pee in the Virtual Forest…]

Social Media: The First 2,000 Years What do Papyrus rolls and Twitter have in common? Both were used as a means of “instant” communication. Indeed, a careful reading of history reveals just how ancient social media really is. Further, the questions we pose about social media today have already been debated countless times over hundreds of …

SchwartzReport: Health — and Kindness — Are A) Vital Part of Socio-Economic & Ideo-Cultural Health and B) Destroyed by Legalized Financial Corruption

Larry Dossey, one of the founders of the alternative and complementary medicine movement — and an SR reader, I am happy to say — has been studying the consequences of policy decisions that do not make national wellness a priority for four decades. Here is his excellent essay on what he calls “The Health Consequences …

4th Media: China as Financial Stabilizer for Latin America?

“China Has Good Reason to Help Stabilize Latin American Economies” Although these alliances will primarily be closer to home, most of Latin America is a naturally ally not only because of its increasing trade and commercial relations with China, but because of its common interest in an international political order that favors respect for national …

TIkkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Shulamit Aloni, z’l, Israel’s most principled elected official

Editor’s Note: Shula Aloni was the most principled Israeli elected official I ever met, a champion of the downtrodden and a fearless crusader for the rights of Palestinians. So i was very delighted when she agreed to speak at Tikkun’s “Strengthening the Peace Forces” conference that we convened in Jerusalem in 1991 and a subsequent …

Reflections: Policy Makers and Social Science — Distant & Lacking Value-Added Decision-Support

Carnegie and the Stimson Center are exploring the distant and largely dysfunctional relationship between policy makers and the social sciences. This is an important topic that could usefully be expanded to explore the similar distance between government and the other information tribes.* Below are two seminal references in this area. Carnegie Stimson National Security Programs …