Mini-Me: Intelligent Comment in Washington, D.C. — From Reverend Jeremiah Wright citing Martin Luther King

Huh. FORMER PASTOR WRIGHT OFFERS ADVICE The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the president’s former Chicago pastor whose sermons touched off a firestorm in the 2008 political campaign, urged today that Barack Obama heed the words of the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and transform the country into the world’s “No. 1 purveyor of peace.” Wright, …

Wayne Madsen: CIA Report on Pollard, Israel-South Africa Nuclear Proliferation, Israel Trading US Nuclear Secrets to Russia

CIA Report: Israel Guilty of Nuclear Proliferation Israeli spy was central cog in nuclear weapons proliferation alliance It is clear that during the middle of December of last year that the Obama White House had settled on former Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense. The U.S. Intelligence Community and defense …

Marcus Aurelius: White House Has Two Strikes With Marine Corps — Could It Be Time for a Professional National Security Advisor in Lieu of a Party / Public Relations Flack?

This is the antecedent to my previous post on Gen. Mattis. The administration’s mishandling of Marine Gen. James Mattis Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Friday, January 18, 2013 – 9:50 AM Word on the national security street is that General James Mattis is being given the bum’s rush out of his job as commander of …

Marcus Aurelius: White House Flushing US Hawks on Iran — Meanwhile, Intelligence with Integrity About Iran is Completely Lacking

From all I’ve heard and read, Gen Mattis is one of finest GO’s to come along in a very long time.) The ouster of Mattis: Some follow-up details and a White House response Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Saturday, January 19, 2013 – 5:17 PM Share Here are a few things I have heard since I …

Marcus Aurelius: Letter from Joint Chiefs to Senate Armed Service Committee — Comment by Robert Steele + DoD Transformation RECAP

The letter appears only on the Association of the US Navy website, it does not appear at the Joint Chiefs website. Letter from Joint Chiefs Following Armed Forces Press Service item ((DOES)) appear as of 2042 EST, 19Jan13: Sequestration Will Hollow Out Force Fast, Dempsey Says By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service ABOARD A …

Reflections on the Inability of Washington to Think with Integrity

Power corrupts, no doubt about it.  What most people miss is that it is not just about financial corruption that explicitly mis-directs scarce resources to benefit the few over the many (with Congress taking its standard 5% kick-back for delivering earmarks).  Power also corrupts intellect.  People forget how to think.  They begin talking among themselves, …