Mini-Me: 9/11 Convergence 15th Anniversary — Silverstein Briefed Jews on Plans for New Towers 17 Months Before 9/11

Huh? SHORT URL: NEW 2018-02-25 Paul Adams: As I was listening to the 9/11 segment of the interview, you should know I just viewed a documentary where Larry Silverstein in front of a group of Jews, explained how in April 2000 – 17 months before 9/11 – he was reviewing the blueprints for the …

4th Media: Rodrigue Tremblay – US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure

US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure Rodrogue Tremblay 4th Media, 8 March 2014 [NATO’s goal is] to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. — Hastings Ismay, first NATO Secretary-General Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded …

Michael Ostrolenk: Joe Trippi on How Technology is Killing Crony Capitalism and How a Libertarian President Looms Large

Joe Trippi: Technology is killing cronies, and there will be a libertarian president. And sooner than you think. (Video) By Nick Sorrentino on February 21, 2014 Trippi is an old time Democratic consultant who is very smart and his analysis here is interesting. This is a video well worth watching for those who care about …