Information Operations (IO) Newsletter vol 13, no 08

ARSTRAT_IO_Newsletter_v13_no_08 Articles in this issue: 1.      Clearing the Air on Cyber, Electronic Warfare 2.      American Gets Targeted by Digital Spy Tool Sold to Foreign Governments 3.      US Army Maps Future of the Electronic Battlefield 4.      Silent War 5.      US Disrupts Al-Qaeda’s Online Magazine 6.   …

Berto Jongman: Humans, Data, & Spies — What Manner, What Value, Integrity?

Data, meet spies: The unfinished state of Web crypto Many large Web companies have failed to adopt a decades-old encryption technology to safeguard confidential user communications. Google is a rare exception, and Facebook is about to follow suit. Declan McCullagh June 26, 2013 Revelations about the National Security Agency’s surveillance abilities have highlighted shortcomings in …

Patrick Meier: What is Big (Crisis) Data? How Do You Reduce Relevant Mass? Human Solutions to Machine Filter Failure

What is Big (Crisis) Data? What does Big Data mean in the context of disaster response? Big (Crisis) Data refers to the relatively large volume, velocity and variety of digital information that may improve sense making and situational awareness during disasters. This is often referred to the 3 V’s of Big Data. Volume refers to the amount of data (20 million tweets were posted …

Tom Atlee: Nothing to Hide? NSA Can Still Strip Search You Electronically…

Navigating a Web where “nothing to hide” doesn’t help you or democracy be safe Having nothing to hide is no guarantee of avoiding trouble due to NSA surveillance, which can create an environment of fear, a suppression of cultural creativity, and opportunities for politically targeted suppression, generally degrading democracy.  The erosion of privacy can be …

David Swanson: US Government Abuse of “Orders of Protection” to Detain, Interrogate, and Disarm wihtout Due Process Any Peace Activists

Anti-Drone Activists Stopped at U.S. Canadian Border due to “Orders of Protection” given by court to Commander of Drone Base By Charley Bowman In mid-June, 2013, Western New York Peace Center board member Valerie Niederhoffer was stopped and interrogated for several hours at the U.S.-Canadian border when returning to the US from an afternoon doing …

Berto Jongman: GCHQ & NSA – A Love Story

GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world’s communications Exclusive: British spy agency collects and stores vast quantities of global email messages, Facebook posts, internet histories and calls, and shares them with NSA, latest documents from Edward Snowden reveal Read full article.

Jean Lievens: Thomas Malone on Collective Intelligence — You Have to Give Away Old Power In Order to Gain New Power

Thomas Malone, director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence,  is one of the leading thinkers in the realm of anticipating how new technologies will transform the way work is done and leaders lead. His 2004 book, The Future of Work: How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style, and Your …