Nafeez Ahmed: Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years …

Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years — unless we stop it What do NATO, private military contractors, giant arms manufacturers, wine merchants, the NSA, Trump, British property tycoons, Russian oligarchs, and Big Oil have in common? The world’s largest social network We reveal for the first time [Cambridge Analytica’s] sweeping interlinkages with …

Mongoose: Six U.S Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; British Intel Used as NSA Front to Spy on Campaign

EXCLUSIVE: Six U.S Agencies Conspired to Illegally Wiretap Trump; British Intel Used as NSA Front to Spy on Campaign From the beginning it was a set up to find dirt on Trump campaign insiders and if possible to topple Donald Trump’s presidential aspirations. Before and after the 2016 election. And while this operation had many …

Berto Jongman: Allies Don’t Trust NSA, Force Backdown on Encryption Standards

Distrustful U.S. allies force spy agency to back down in encryption fight In interviews and emails seen by Reuters, academic and industry experts from countries including Germany, Japan and Israel worried that the U.S. electronic spy agency was pushing the new techniques not because they were good encryption tools, but because it knew how to …