Mongoose: How Israel Fakes Out NSA with Signal Rocks that Simulate Syrian Army Transmissions About Sarin Gas UPDATE 2 NSA Incompetence

This was also done to Libya in the past — transmitters in Gaddafi compound to fake his communications to and from “terrorists.” VT Provides Key to Busting Gas Attack Phony Intercepts “What the story doesn’t tell is that the Israeli submarine with 84 onboard, went down with teams of IDF commandos who had been in …

Mongoose: Susan Rice Behind Unmasking (Illegal Exposure) of Trump Team Bugged by NSA UPDATE 1 Rice Indictable for Felony, Ordered Spreadsheets

Sources: Susan Rice behind unmasking of Trump officials Sources described as U.S. officials familiar with the matter told Lake that White House lawyers discovered last month that Rice “requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign.” The information reportedly came …

Mongoose: Obama / US IC Spying on Trump Worse Than Previously Reported — New Details Suggest Multiple Impeachable Offenders in White House, Justice, NSA, CIA, FBI

Obama spying looks even worse than Trump claimed  Intel source bombshell: Months of surveillance for purely ‘political purposes’ Here is what they told Fox: 1) Surveillance targeting the Trump team during the Obama administration began months ago, even before the president had become the GOP nominee in July. 2) The spying on the Trump team had …