Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Fired by New Orleans — Is US Army Being Stupid?

Crime Prediction: Not a New Intelligence Analysis Function We noted “New Orleans Ends Its Palantir Predictive Policing Program.” The interest in this Palantir Technologies’ project surprised us from our log cabin with a view of the mine drainage run off pond. The predictive angle is neither new nor particularly stealthy. Many years ago when I …

Stephen E. Arnold: CIA Seeks Universal Text Translator [Robert Steele: CIA Remains Stupid, Has Not Learned a Damn Thing Since 1986]

Universal Text Translation Is the Next Milestone for AI As the globe gets smaller, individuals are in more contact with people who don’t speak their language. Or, we are reading information written in a foreign language. Programs like Google Translate are flawed at best and it is clear this is a niche waiting to be …

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: Reference Links for Internet Identity / Individual Cyber Sovereignty

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: EVENT 17-19 October, Mountain View, CA The Internet Identity Workshop XXV NOTE: Robert Steele will attend all three days — crypto and identity are converging to create the Autonomous Internet that will bury Amazon and Google.  Start here. Rebooting Web-of-Trust Internet Identity Workshop Wiki (Past Notes Etc.) More links below the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Experian Scan of the Deep Web & More…

 The DarkCyber program for January 16, 2018, reports on a possible Dark Web kidnapping, the Experian Dark Web scanning service, the shift to Monero and Zcash for some Dark Web merchants, and a facet of net neutrality which may provide some streamlined methods for law enforcement and intelligence professionals.

Stephen E. Arnold: Cost Comparison of Machine Learning Options — Amazon Most Expensive at High End (Where CIA and DoD Reside)

Cloud Computing Resources: Cost Analysis for Machine Learning Information about the cost of performing a specific task in a cloud computing set up can be tough to get. Reliable cross platform, apples-to-apples cost analyses are even more difficult to obtain. A tip of the hat to the author of “Machine Learning Benchmarks: Hardware Providers.” The …

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Notebook — Core Reference

Stephen E Arnold: Dark Web Use Expected to Increase Author predicts filtering and other restrictions on the open Internet will push more users toward secret encrypted platforms Despite stepped-up efforts by federal and local law enforcement agencies, the Dark Web and the contraband markets that thrive there will continue to grow in the coming years. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Steve Ballmer Does Good — USAFacts

USAFacts Centralizes Access to Data on Government Spending Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s recent project was inspired by his wife, Connie, who wished him to practice more philanthropy. Wouldn’t it help to know what our government is already doing  with its (our) money, he wondered? Out of this question has sprung USAFacts, a website that …