Paul Craig Roberts: Recovery or Collapse? I’m Betting Collapse

Recovery or Collapse? Bet on Collapse May 20, 2012 The US financial system and, probably, the financial system of Europe, like the police, no longer serves a useful social purpose. In the US the police have proven themselves to be a greater threat to public safety than private sector criminals. I just googled “police brutality” …

Mini-Me: US Dollar Out, Yuan, System D, and Open Money In + Meta-RECAP

BRICS Move To Replace Dollar With “Super-Sovereign” Global Currency Alexander Higgins, Contributor Activist Post, 28 March 2012 As China is expected to rise to the status of a financial superpower within the next 8 years and eclipse the US economy by 2020, Africa becomes center stage in the greatest currency war the world has seen …

Mini-Me: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC)

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Spanish: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CELAC, Portuguese: Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos, French: Communauté des États Latino-Américains et Caribéens, Dutch: Gemeenschap van de Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caribische landen) is the tentative name[1] of a regional bloc of Latin American and Caribbean nations created on February …