SPECIAL: Game-Changing Court Filing by Michael Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell…PLUS DoJ Criminal Inquiry Plus Seth Rich Murder Central Brennan Task Force Plus Stone & Manafort to Get Off?

UPDATE 6: Manafort and Stone can prove FBI lies & illicit surveillance UPDATE 5: Brennan Task Force Exposed, Haspel Cooperating with Barr? UPDATE 4: Ben Garrison cartoon immortalizes “Bull Durham” UPDATE 3: Story makes Stillness in the Storm & Zero Hedge — EPIC! UPDATE 2: Seth Rich murder is now central to the over-all inquiry. …

Ed Jewett: US Intelligence Community Admits Ineptitude with Open Source Information

 Intel Community Grapples With Key Open Source Intel “In our defeat-ISIS activities, we’ve had a struggle and presently continue to struggle with the challenge of open source and publicly available information, and how we leverage that to make it truly useful for the warfighter,” Jospeh Votel, former head of both Special Operations Command and Central …

SPECIAL: General Mike Flynn, USA (Ret) for Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

ROBERT STEELE: There is only one person who is both totally committed to President Donald Trump and who has the brains and the balls to be the next Director of National Intelligence. His name is Mike Flynn. The time has come for him to come back into the fight. Here are the five reforms he …

Stephen E. Arnold: Librarians Protest Against CIA

Librarians Take a Stand At the recent American Library Association’s annual conference in D.C., the CIA had a booth set up to entice librarians into a new role as intelligence analysts. Pretty smart, I’ll admit, but many ALA members were very unhappy with the agency’s presence. Raw Story reports, “Citing CIA’s Dark History, Librarians Protest …