Joseph Farrell: Sudden Animal Deaths (One Species Only) – Is Deep State Testing Species-Specific 5G Electromagnetic Kill Rays?

REVISITING AN OLD STORY: REINDEER DEATHS IN NORWAY Sudden Animal Death (SAD) syndrome is remarkable for only ONE species dying in any given area. That, to my mind, suggests deliberate targeting of that species. After all – and here’s today’s high octane – if every species has its own unique bio-electric template, and if that …

J. C. Cole: Deep State War on Food Supply

Our food supply is under all out attack. WA and MI have followed CA in mandating COVID-19 testing for farmworkers, which–as we have seen in Ontario–presages their shutting down farms where workers test positive. Depriving farms of harvest labor is unthinkable. More California wildfires expected. Two hurricanes inbound to gulf, rice-producing areas.

Yoda: Trump is a Bodhisattva – The Chosen One — The First President Since JFK NOT Controlled by the Deep State and the CIA?

Alert Reader writes in: Trump is a genius. He doesn’t give a hoot about appearances. He is battling centuries of corruption and they want it all and this is a fight to the death. BLM has spent millions on automatic weapons. All the California fires, year after year are engineered. It’s bad. Covid symptoms are …