Bob Gates, Chief Maintenance Clerk, Talks Crap — and the Wall Street Journal Goes Along…

The Gates Farewell Warning America can be a superpower or a welfare state, but not both. Phi Beta Iota Sidenote: BOTH of the above “choices” are corruption incarnate.  The correct choice was articulated by Thomas Jefferson: “A Nation’s best defense is an educated citizenry.” EXTRACT: In a series of farewell speeches, Mr. Gates has warned …

Journal: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’s Preemptive Damage Control [Manipulation of Anticipated Negative Information]

By Robert Haddick August 2009 After appointing Gen. Stanley McChrystal the new commander in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates gave him two months to write an analysis of the situation there in yet another review of U.S. strategy. But after rumors leaked out that McChrystal would ask for another increase in U.S. troops, it appears …