John Steiner: Public Intelligence App

$200K raised, thanks to all who contributed. VISIT THEM to a) reserve your user name and/or b) make a contribution to their Kickstarter campaign. <>  will be a distributed, open-source platform for the collaborative evaluation of information. It will enable sentence-level critique of written words combined with a sophisticated yet easy-to-use model of community …

John Steiner: Occupy Meets the US Constitution

A real-life story illuminates the Occupy process (when it works), and the importance of educating everyone on the Constitution and how it is being violated today. October 29, 2011 SCHULZ GOES TO WALL STREET Gives The Constitution A Voice Direct Link to Online Source Full Text Below for Ease of Automated Translation  

John Steiner: Bob Burnett – New Declaration of Independence

A New Declaration of Independence Bob Burnett Berkeley writer, retired Silicon Valley executive The preamble of the United States Declaration of Independence declares: “…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter and abolish it, and to institute new Government.” Occupy Wall Street is an …

John Steiner: Charles EisenStein & Greek Barter

Duncan Campbell Dialog with Charles Eisenstein Host: Duncan Campbell Occupy Wall Street Protest – An American Spring in the Fall, a 21st Century Revolution? Occupy Wall Street describes itself as a “Leaderless Resistance Movement”. It defines itself as “anti-greed”. It is reminiscent of FDR’s famous dictum:  “We have always known that greed is bad morality; …

John Steiner: 10 Years Late, NYT “Sees” Democracy Now!

A Grass-Roots Newscast Gives a Voice to Struggles Brian Stelter New York Times, 23 October 2011 EXTRACT Some fans as well as critics describe “Democracy Now!” as progressive, but Ms. Goodman rejects that label and prefers to call it a global newscast that has “people speaking for themselves.” She criticized networks in the United States …

John Steiner: US Government to Rename Corn as Sugar?

For Immediate Release October 3, 2011 Contact: Glenn Turner, 917-817-3396 Corn vs. Sugar Industries Legal Battle Heats Up Over “High Fructose Corn Syrup” Name Change New Website Provides Background for Reporters and Consumers Expert Legal Spokesperson Available For Interviews WASHINGTON, October 3, 2011 ­ High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a man-made sweetener used …

John Steiner: Tar Sands Hearings Run by Contractor – Department of State Corrupt, EPA Barred from Engagement, Cheney Still Active

TransCanada Pipeline Foes See U.S. Bias in E-Mails E-mails released Monday in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the environmental group Friends of the Earth paint a picture of a sometimes warm and collaborative relationship between the lobbyist for the pipeline company, Trans-Canada, and officials in the State Department, the agency …