American Intelligence Media: Do Newspapers Run Intelligence?

Michael McKibben: I can confidently say this: we have discovered the origins of modern intelligence and that origin is in the British Parliament and it is staffed with newspaper men and women from around the world and has been since the beginning.Newspapers run intelligence. That’s what we’ve discovered. It is just blowing our minds! It’s …

Berto Jongman: The Plain View Project – Police in Social Media in Their Own Words, Bias and Violent Policing and All….

The Plain View Project The Plain View Project is a database of public Facebook posts and comments made by current and former police officers from several jurisdictions across the United States. Phi Beta Iota: All US police trained by Israel should be required to attend a remediation course that corrects all the brutality and bias …

Berto Jongman: MIT $1B for AI (PBI: Zionist Strike 48? — AI Next Level from Social Media Control & Censorship?)

MIT has just announced a $1 billion plan to create a new college for AI The new college of computing is being built with $350 million in funding from Stephen A. Schwarzman, the CEO and cofounder of Blackstone, a private equity firm. Schwarzman has already donated billions to other institutions for studying issues related to …