John M. Newman: The Myth of the Free (George Washington Law Review, 86/2, March 2018) – Death Roll for #GoogleGestapo

The Myth of Free 86 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 513 The task is urgent: the Myth of Free is not benign. It has misled courts into granting protected legal status to Free-product suppliers in cases ranging from contract disputes to antitrust and privacy litigation. It has also motivated policy proposals that call for eliminating market interventions—or competitive …

#GoogleGestapo: YouTube Substitutes on Blockchain

Startup Raises $20 Million to Build ‘YouTube on the Blockchain’ Silicon Valley startup Lino is preparing to take on YouTube with a decentralized, collectively-owned video content distribution system that purports to cut out the middleman to more fairly compensate content creators. The company, which faces competition from Streamspace, Flixxo, Viuly and Stream, all of which …

#GoogleGestapo: I Downloaded the Information That Facebook Has on Me. Yikes.

I Downloaded the Information That Facebook Has on Me. Yikes. With a few clicks, I learned that about 500 advertisers — many that I had never heard of, like Bad Dad, a motorcycle parts store, and Space Jesus, an electronica band — had my contact information, which could include my email address, phone number and …