Reflections on Healing the Americas — Open Source Agency & Hourglass Strategy

The Hourglass Strategy: Healing the Americas with Intelligence & Integrity Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO, Earth Intelligence Network Mr. Steele grew up in Latin America, returning as a clandestine case officer, and then going on to teach governments across the region how to leverage Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).  He is the #1 Amazon reviewer for …

Reflections on the US Military — Redirection Essential — and a Prerequisite to Creating a 450-Ship Navy, a Long-Haul Air Force, and an Air-Liftable Army + Sanity RECAP

Telling the truth to those who have replaced intelligence with ideology and integrity with loyalty to something other than their Republic is most difficult and more often than not will get you fired, because those without integrity tend to be promoted in corrupt systems, and they see clearly the threat to their world-view — and …

Reference: Atlantic Council Envisioning 2030: US Strategy for a Post-Western World

Document:  Envisioning 2030: US Strategy for a Post-Western World (Atlantic Council, 10 December 2030) Executive Summary Agree that we are at a potentially historic transition point.  However, the Atlantic Council lacks the strategic analytic model to make the most of its otherwise formidable brain trust.  Agree on the need for a new mental map, but …

Search: purpose of military intelligence

School Solution:  To fabricate the worst possible threat, each service taking its own liberties, so as to justify the buying of the most outrageously complex and generally unreliable weapons and mobility systems with extremely heavy logistics tails, none of which can be supported by national or tactical intelligence “systems” also built by variations of the …

Marcus Aurelius: Mike Hayden Says Obama’s Military Comments Not ‘Presidential’

Hayden: Obama’s Military Comments Not ‘Presidential’ President Obama’s response to Mitt Romney comments on the size of the U.S. Navy during Monday’s debate did not “play well” with American voters, former CIA Director Michael Hayden tells Newsmax. Romney complained that the Navy is “smaller now than any time since 1917.” Obama responded: “We also have …

Berto Jongman: US Military Game Plan for Defeating Militia Occupation on US Soil — Being Read in Europe

This has been noticed.  Of course we have no direct knowledge. US Army Training and Doctrine Command, The Army Operating Concept 2016 – 2028, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1, dated 19 August 2010, p. iii.  Hereafter cited as TD Pam 525-3-1.  The Army defines full spectrum operations as the combination of offensive, defensive, and either stability operations …

Chuck Spinney: Egyptian President Trumps Egyptian Military; Egypt, Turkey, and Iran Will Trump NATO Militarism

It is trite to say big things are happening in the Middle East: The biggest, IMO, may turn out to be that Israel has overplayed its hand by hysterically fomenting the Iranian crisis.  There are incipient signs suggesting that Netanyahu’s smarmy efforts to manipulate American presidential politics to Israel’s advantage and to the detriment of …