Paul Craig Roberts: Disinformation (Lies) From Left to Right — Why the Military-Industrial Complex Consistently Assassinates or Impeaches Presidents Who Cross Them….

Disinformation On Every Front Some readers have come to the erroneous conclusion that the Matrix consists of Republican Party disinformation as if there is no disinformation from the left. Others think that propaganda is the business of Obama and the Democrats. In fact, propaganda from the right, the left and the middle are all part …

David Isenberg: Private Military Corporations – Chapter Twelve

Chapter 12 David Isenberg Huffington Post, 29 April 2012 After ten years of operation by private military and security (PMSC) contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq, what ethical lessons should we draw from their use? Namely, that private sector contracting has become an integral part of modern international operations, and in Afghanistan and Iraq contracting has …

DefDog: Counter-IED Network Analysis – Works for Law Enforcement, Ignored by US Military

When we worked on the Manhunting Project for SOCOM, the US Marshall’s Service said that fugitive hunting was all about network analysis. The IC doesn’t understand network analysis as the bean counters push for numbers….they focus on low hanging fruit and as a result there is always some guy out there ready to step up …

Berto Jongman: Potpourri of Serious Strategy Threat Stuff

Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare in the Global Glass House U.S. accelerating cyberweapon research Global Strategic Assessment (National Defense University) Phi Beta Iota: Devoid of a strategic analytic model, devoid of the concept of “true costs,” and devoid of any self-understanding in relation to corruption at all levels across all boundaries.  A wonderful collection of …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense “Strategy” & “Budget” — Ignorant Duplicitous Theater + META-RECAP

Various media pieces on defense. Gutting defense Obama to shrink armed forces The President’s Risky Defense Strategy President Obama’s defense strategy rests on shaky assumptions Obama military strategy: Is it bipartisan enough? U.S. right to focus on Asia The battle for the Pacific will reshape the world Military fighting force strategy set, but what will …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense “Strategy” & “Budget” — Ignorant Duplicitous Theater + META-RECAP

Various media pieces on defense. Gutting defense Obama to shrink armed forces The President’s Risky Defense Strategy President Obama’s defense strategy rests on shaky assumptions Obama military strategy: Is it bipartisan enough? U.S. right to focus on Asia The battle for the Pacific will reshape the world Military fighting force strategy set, but what will …