Marcus Aurelius: Pentagon Fiscal Chief “Nervous” + DoD Transformation RECAP

Pentagon fiscal chief Robert Hale: ‘I am nervous’ “Frankly, I am nervous,” says Robert Hale, the Pentagon’s comptroller. And with reason. A month and half into the new fiscal year, Congress can’t seem to decide between what are three, wildly different scenarios for Hale’s world in 2014. The House endorsed most of President Barack Obama’s …

Del Spurlock: Call to Arms — The People’s Army

The Objective force is one which maximizes the SECURITY of the American people. The American Security regime is a con and has been since Korea. All players–including Zion and Saud–have an interest in maximizing the INsecurity of the American people. DHS was the last imperial structure to be put in place. PRISM, was designed and …

Berto Jongman: Breaking the Cycle of Counterinsurgency

Breaking the Cycle of Counterinsurgency It’s time to relegate the bankrupt counterinsurgency doctrine into the “dustbin of history.” By Hannah Gurman and Jeremy Kuzmarov, October 3, 2013 Foreign Policy in Focus, 3 October 2013 This September marked a potential turning point in America’s long and seemingly bottomless appetite for war. The Obama administration made a …

Steve Aftergood: To Fix US Intelligence, Shrink It

TO FIX U.S. INTELLIGENCE, SHRINK IT? Criticism of U.S. intelligence takes many forms:  Intelligence agencies are too secretive, or they are too leaky.  They over-collect, or they under-perform.  Or all of these, and more besides. Many of the criticisms can be reduced to a single argument: The U.S. intelligence community has become too large to …

4th Media: EXPOSED – Thai “Independent” Newspaper Funded by US Government [Good Intentions, Rotten Incoherent Conops]

EXPOSED: Indy “Newspaper” Funded by US Government Deep network uncovered as fake “indy” rag is forced to disclose funding. Note: A copy of Prachatai’s recent disclosure can be found here. Editor’s Addition: A conflict of interest occurs “when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for …

Berto Jongman: Crime Analytics Tool Cuts Crime Rates (Tactically — Governments Still Corrupt on Causes of Crime, Insurgency, Revolution, and Terrorism at the Strategic Level)

Predicting the Epicenter of Crime: Analytics Tool Cuts Crime Rates A predictive policing tool in use in the U.S. and abroad helps law enforcement predict crime in the same way that geologists predict earthquakes. EXTRACT Brantingham said that there are features in the environment that, by their nature, are prone to crime, much like faults …