Ron Paul: The Coronavirus Hoax

The Coronavirus Hoax By Ron Paul Ron Paul Institute March 17, 2020 If anything, what people like Fauci and the other fearmongers are demanding will likely make the disease worse. RELATED: Jon Rappoport: COV death: Five-thousand-year-old man had two hundred diseases, was on three hundred toxic meds

Owl: 80% of All Positive Virus Tests are FALSE

“the positive predictive value of the active screening was only 19.67%, in contrast, the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%.” [Potential false-positive rate among the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients].

Zero Hedge: The Good of the Virus

A.Gary Shilling: Globalists May Soon Become An Extinct Species Authored by A.Gary Shilling, op-ed via, The disruptions caused by the spread of the coronavirus mean supply chains will be moved closer to home rather than in foreign lands…

Robert Steele: Jared Kushner, Shadow President — Coronavirus 5G Opportunity for a Revolution?

I and most of my professional colleagues hold Jared Kushner in high disdain. At one level  this is a man-child , slum-lord, agent of a foreign power (Israel) who also took a $1 billion bribe from Qatar, which should have seen him immediately expelled from the White House and denied all clearances. Many of us …