Search: white house releases bin laden pictures

Never happening. We continue to believe that this was a staged event. Key photos: Bin Laden Show 19: White House Photo Ops Bin Laden Show XXXVIII: New Art from Staged Photo Master List Bin Laden Show: Entries 01-76 CLOSED 17 May 2011

Wall Street Journal On Bin Laden Raid Planning

More that should never have been written Wall Street Journal May 23, 2011 Pg. 1 Spy, Military Ties Aided Bin Laden Raid By Siobhan Gorman and Julian E. Barnes In January, the chief of the military’s elite special-operations troops accepted an unusual invitation to visit Central Intelligence Agency headquarters. There, Adm. William McRaven was shown, …

Bin Laden Show Part 03: Fox News Take

1.  Waterboarding produced the first “lead”–waterboarding is good, this is the silver bullet on waterboarding. 2.  Intelligence Community nailed it, over the years, and finally did this without Pakistani assistance to include surveilling the courier in what is the equivalent of a denied area. 3.  Bin Laden’s presence so close to the military academy in …

Journal: Sam Adams and WikiLeaks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2010 4:00 PM CONTACT: Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167 Ex-Intelligence Officers, Others See Plusses in WikiLeaks Disclosures WASHINGTON – December 7 – The following statement was released today, signed by Daniel Ellsberg, Frank Grevil, Katharine Gun, David MacMichael, Ray McGovern, Craig …