Mongoose: China Watch — HORRORS

23 Shocking Photos Reveal How Bad China’s Pollution Problem Has Become Pollution In China Phi Beta Iota: America the Beautiful is in the dumps right now, but these photographs put our national well-being in sharp relief compared to the horrors being endured by the Chinese people.

Mongoose: Exxon – 40 Years of Lies on Climate Change

Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation EXTRACT By 1989 the company had helped create the Global Climate Coalition (disbanded in 2002) to question the scientific basis for concern about climate …

Mongoose: 1983 Nuclear Scare – Understanding How US Inspires Fear in Others — and How We Don’t “Get” That…

In 1983 ‘war scare,’ Soviet leadership feared nuclear surprise attack by U.S. A nuclear weapons command exercise by NATO in November 1983 prompted fear in the leadership of the Soviet Union that the maneuvers were a cover for a nuclear surprise attack by the United States, triggering a series of unparalleled Soviet military re­sponses, according …

Mongoose: Tom Cruise as Barry Seal on CIA Running Drugs via Arkansas — the End of Clinton & Bush Candidacies?

One of the biggest and fiercely kept “fog facts” in America’s Dirty Linen Basket – one for which any further revelations for both political parties is absolute dynamite with ample portions of nitroglycerine thrown in for good measure – has been made into a feature film, starring of all people Tom Cruise. Here’s a promo …