Marcus Aurelius: US IC UNCLAS Syria CW Assessment

Special attention to last four paras on page 2. Administration is forcing IC beyond its objective collection/reporting role into political advocacy. Intelligence Community Unclassified Assessment Chemical Weapons Attack by the Syrian Regime The United States Government assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on …

Anthony Judge: Indifference to the Suffering of Others Occupying the moral and ethical high ground through doublespeak

Indifference to the Suffering of Others Occupying the moral and ethical high ground through doublespeak Introduction General indifference to suffering Varieties of indifference to suffering Complicity of bystanders: standing by and doing nothing Schadenfreude: enjoying the suffering of others Cultivating indifference to suffering through doublespeak Enabling suffering through religious doublespeak Enabling suffering through legal doublespeak …

4th Media Et Al: USA and Syria — Perfidy? Rebels Admit Culpability!

Another US War: A Way to Hastily Cover Evidence that the West Used Chemical Weapons against Syrian Children Another US War Crime in the Making in SYRIA: RUSSIA and CHINA Have Been Extremely Careless in Dealings with US Déjà vu and Syrian Chemical Weapons In Rush to Strike Syria, U.S. Tried to Derail U.N. Probe …

Max Manwaring: Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict

Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict by Max G. Manwaring Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict Small Wars Journal, 27 August 2013 Beyond Afghanistan, we must define our effort not as …

Chuck Spinney: Kosovo as Precedent for Syria — Obama Administration Disconnected from Reality and Well Over the Line

The Kosovo Precedent Syria in the Crosshair by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch, 27 August 2013 I found it truly scary to read that some high officials in the Obama Administration are so disconnected from reality that they consider the 1999 war in Kosovo to be a precedent for justifying limited cruise missile strikes in …