Journal: USA Can Ignore Reality, But Reality Is NOT Going to Ignore the USA…

This Country Just Can’t Deal with Reality Any More By Robert Parry, Consortium News Posted on September 16, 2010, Printed on September 21, 2010 As Election Day 2010 approaches – as the United States wallows in the swamps of war, recession and environmental degradation – the consequences of the nation’s three-decade-old decoupling from reality are …

Journal: US Research & Development in the Toilet

U.S. innovation: On the skids Technologists look to a new White House to reverse decade-long slide in R&D By Gary Anthes, ComputerWorld, October 21, 2008 By most measures, the U.S. is in a decade-long decline in global technological competitiveness. The reasons are many and complex, but central among them is the country’s retreat from long-term …

Journal: Israel, Obama, Settlements–Cape Job

Obama makes Abbas & Bibi an offer they can’t refuse Planetary Movement Middle East Update 9/5/10 The terms of the rapidly developing agreement appear to be based on the long-established parameters predicated on the 1967 borders and the right of return for a still undisclosed number of Palestinian families displaced by the Arab-Israeli wars.  An …

Journal: William Polk AF Trip Report August 2010

The attached trip report documents William R. Polk’s impressions of the current situation in Afghanistan based on interviews and discussions he had over a period of 10 days in August.  Polk, a highly experienced American diplomat, foreign policy specialist, as well as a being a highly-regarded scholar, is the author of Violent Politics: A History …