Robert Steele: How the Deep State controls social media and digitally assassinates critics – #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy (Trump Revolution 17)

How the Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics #GoogleGestapo – Censorship & Crowd-Stalking Made Easy SHORT URL (AHT Published Version): Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 7 November 2017 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) This is a speculative account based on …

Jeff Rense: Hitler in Argentina & The US-Hitler Bargain Including NASA (as well as CIA) as a German Preserve

The recent release of a JFK document pertaining to Hitler escaping to Argentina has given new life to long-standing but ignored evidence that the US made a pact with the Nazis. Even Hoover didn’t know until 1947. The memo from him ORDERING all efforts to explore the rumors (even then) that he and Mrs. Hitler …

United Nations: Advance Report on Human Rights in Palestinian Territories (Israel Continues to Deny Direct Access to the Special Rapporteur)

Seventy-second session                     Item XX of the provisional agenda* Promotion and protection of human rights: human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives Situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967** Note by the Secretary-General The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the General Assembly the report of the Special …

Worth a Look: The Real Game Of Politics, Help President Trump Make America Great Again

This book is for conservatives who are tired of being lied to by fake Republicans who run as “Campaign Conservatives” (in the words of Texas Senator Ted Cruz) and who want to do something to “change” these fake Republicans by taking them out of their current office in the upcoming 2018 primary elections and beyond. …

Robert Steele: Las Vegas False Flag a Hybrid (Innocent Drill, Rogue Mass Murder Unit)? UPDATE 23 Paddock Girlfriend Worked for FBI

I have no direct knowledge. I do, however, have some understanding of false flag operations, media influence operations, covert operations, and high-level political and financial crime networks. Las Vegas appears to be a classic false flag operation with both financial  and political aspects. UPDATE 23: 25 August 2018. Feds Scramble as Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly …