Michel Bauwens: New Books – Open Source Model for Nanotechnology

New books advocate ‘open source’ model for nanotechnology Franco Iacomella16th May 2012 Source: UTS Nanotechnology and Global Equality, by Dr Donald Maclurcan, and Nanotechnology and Global Sustainability, edited by Dr Maclurcan and Dr Natalia Radywyl, build the case that global prosperity now demands innovation without economic growth, and nanotechnology shows such innovation is possible. “Practices …

Mini-Me: Cash, and Time, Runs Out for Afghanistan’s Wi-Fi City

Huh? Cash, and Time, Runs Out for Afghanistan’s Wi-Fi City It was a project that symbolized America’s grand ambitions to rebuild Afghanistan: a DIY Wi-Fi network, free for Afghans to use, powering the aid projects and business ventures of the eastern city of Jalalabad. But now funding for the JLink network has run dry, and …

Mini-Me: $4 Billion for Israel, Nothing for US Jobs

Huh? Congressional Committee Proposal would raise US taxpayer support for Israel’s military in 2013 to a record $4 billion. Tim King | Salem-News.com (WASHINGTON DC) – As news about Israeli political parties merging dominates headlines, this one is being overlooked. The US House of Representatives Defense Appropriations Subcommittee yesterday approved almost $1 billion for Israel’s …

David Stockman: Emperor Naked, Bond Market Explodes Next

The Emperor is Naked: David Stockman Testosterone Pit, May 9, 2012 Contributed by Karen Roche and JT Long of The Gold Report. A “paralyzed” Federal Reserve Bank, in its “final days,” held hostage by Wall Street “robots” trading in markets that are “artificially medicated” are just a few of the bleak observations shared by David Stockman, former Republican …

Reference: Defense and Energy Deficit Reduction: $688 Billion

POGO Source Page, May 8, 2012 Wasteful Spending in the Department of Defense Budget Wasteful Spending on Nuclear Weapons Programs Service Contracts Conclusion Endnotes Americans are tightening their belts, and it’s time for the U.S. government to do the same. In light of the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the subsequent failure of the “Super Committee,” …

Mini-Me: Call to Arms Occupy 2012 Hits West Coast & Paulistas

Huh? CULTURE | A Call to Arms from the Author of ‘The Open-Source Everything Manifesto’ By  RobertSteele – April 27, 2012 North Atlantic Books Communities As much as I love all that it represents, Occupy is struggling. The dirty little secret of Occupy is that it is moderately organized in NYC, Chicago, Boston, and Oakland …