1993: God, Man, & Information – Comments to Interval In-House (Full Text Online)

“GOD, MAN, & INFORMATION: COMMENTS TO INTERVAL IN-HOUSE” Tuesday, 9 March 1993 Robert David Steele Executive Summary Electromagnetic pollution–in the form of both increased levels of uncontrolled and misunderstood levels of emission, and in the form of broader and more intense bandwidth exploitation–constitutes the technical terror of the 21st century.[1] There is another terror facing …

Robert Steele: Welcoming Remarks to OSS ’92

Steele, Robert. “Welcoming Remarks by Robert D. Steele, Host: Consumer Needs, Data Changes, Technology Changes, Organizational Changes, Future Vision & Issues,” McLean, VA: First International Symposium on National Security & National Competitiveness, Open Source Solutions, December 1, 1992. Full Text Below the Fold

1992 Open Source Coordinator’s Senior Manager’s Council: A Status Report on STIC Open Source Activities

Tom Pedtke was the single most important practitioner during the 1992 surge when we thought we had a chance to get it right.  Coming out of the National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) in Cleveland, Ohio, he had an appreciation for “full spectrum” Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) such as would never be achieved by those steeped …

1990 Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model Updated with Regional and Country Summaries

NEW: 1990 Expeditionary Environment Regional & Country Summaries General Al Gray, USMC, then Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) created the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIC) at the same time that he created the Marine Corps University (MCU).  He was guided by the reality that the larger serices–the Army, Navy, and Air Force–devoted all of …