CrisisWatch N°91, 1 March 2011

CrisisWatch N°91, 1 March 2011 (pdf) Anti-government protests also took place in Oman and Djibouti. In Afghanistan, the standoff continued between President Hamid Karzai and the opposition over the flawed September parliamentary election. A controversial special tribunal set up by Karzai – which the opposition condemns as unconstitutional – has started recounting votes in several …

NIGHTWATCH Essay: Youth, Democracy, & the West

NightWatch Essay: Some time ago, David Goldman, purporting to channel Oswald Spengler for Asia Times Online, wrote a farsighted essay [And Spengler is…] that anticipated, predicted and warned that modern impulses in the youth of the Middle East would rise up against conservative institutions to assert a modern definition of being Arab, Berber, Turk, Persian …

NIGHTWATCH Comment on US Mid-East Policy

Special comment. Readers are watching the crumbling of the US policy architecture in the Middle East during the past four decades which stressed regional stability over all other considerations. That policy did not restrain Israel but did help limit conflicts,  It also had many negative consequences for devout Muslims and supporters of the Palestinians. The …