Search: Multinational Engagement (Intelligence)

The Oxymoronic Concept of ‘NATO Intelligence’ In 2008, a FOIA request resulted in the release of a (redacted) version of a 1984 CIA article: NATO Intelligence: A Contradiction in Terms. The report is pretty scathing: “Since its inception, NATO has essentially opted out of the intelligence business. The command structure is almost totally innocent of any …

Review: Open Source Intelligence Analysis: A Methodological Approach (Paperback)

Well-Intentioned, Disconnected, Over-Priced, Wrong Focus December 11, 2009 Selma Tekir While encouraging from a multinational point of view, this offering is so disconnected from the twenty one years of effort by thousands of other multinational pioneers, and so terribly over-priced (84 pages for $54? Get real) that we must caution potential purchasers.For a review of …

Journal: National Intelligence? Revolution in Military Affairs? A Stock-Taking

Gates: No good intel on Osama bin Laden in years Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the United States has not had good intelligence on the whereabouts of terrorist Osama bin Laden in years.  Gates made the comment in an interview to be aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” The Counter-Revolution In Military Affairs I (2009) …

Journal: ClimateGate, Copenhagen, Integrity

Climategate: Science Is Dying  (WS) The East Anglians’ mistreatment of scientists who challenged global warming’s claims—plotting to shut them up and shut down their ability to publish—evokes the attempt to silence Galileo. The exchanges between Penn State’s Michael Mann and East Anglia CRU director Phil Jones sound like Father Firenzuola, the Commissary-General of the Inquisition. …

Graphic: Multi-Lateral Sharing

This is a 2000-2002 slide that bears on the extraordinary possibilities inherent in creating a global multinational open source information sharing and sense-making grid.  The 80-20 rule really does seem to stand up under most circumstances.  White Hat (Stabilization & Reconstruction, Peaceful Preventive Measures) are especially responsible to shared open source information across all boundaries. …