Journal: Cognitive Dissonance, Military Suicides, and an Alternative Interpretation of the Fort Hood Deaths

For over many years now Phi Beta Iota has been emphasizing both the inappropriate secrecy and obscurity contrived for our dead and wounded, and the almost total black-out on both amputees (many of them multiple amputees) and suicides. We now know that Gulf I brought back over 250,000 disabled veterans, and that the toxic brew …

Event Report CORRECTED LINKS: Responding to Real Time Information, Open Systems and the Obama IT Vision [Google-Microsoft Meld]

FIXED Big File Problem.  Three Separate Files, each at Their Respectuve Thumbnails. EVENT REPORT: Have you been wondered just how we are going to implement M4IS2* and add to it Real-Time-Processing (RTP) and Near-Real-Time Processing (NRTP)?  This event introduced to the Washington, D.C. environment, for the first time, the concept of operations and related technologies …