Greg Palast: Larry Summers the Sum of All Evil — the “End-Game” Memo Proposing the Destruction of Financial Regulation Across the Globe

Larry Summers and the Secret “End-Game” Memo By Greg Palast for Vice Magazine When a little birdie dropped the End Game memo through my window, its content was so explosive, so sick and plain evil, I just couldn’t believe it. The Memo confirmed every conspiracy freak’s fantasy:  that in the late 1990s, the top US …

Former CIA Spy Jose Rodriguez’s Truly Sociopathic ’60 Minutes’ Interview

Former CIA Spy Jose Rodriguez’s Truly Sociopathic ’60 Minutes’ Interview By: Kevin Gosztola,  Monday April 30, 2012 Former head of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) Counterterrorism Center and its former Deputy Director of Operations Jose Rodriguez appeared on CBS’ “60 Minutes” to flaunt his new book Hard Measures, which details how he came to …

Patrick Meier: Can Official Disaster Response Apps Compete with Twitter?

Can Official Disaster Response Apps Compete with Twitter? There are over half-a-billion Twitter users, with an average of 135,000 new users signing up on a daily basis (1). Can emergency management and disaster response organizations win over some Twitter users by convincing them to use their apps in addition to Twitter? For example, will FEMA’s smartphone app gain …

Marcus Aurelius: Snowden NSA Revelations Piss Off Rest of Government As They Realize What They Have NOT Been Getting From NSA or CIA

Who would have thought — tragic farce aka absurdist theater? Other Agencies Clamor For Data N.S.A. Compiles By Eric Lichtblau and Michael S. Schmidt New York Times, August 4, 2013 , Pg. 1 WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency’s dominant role as the nation’s spy warehouse has spurred frequent tensions and turf fights with other …

Eagle: The Financial System Does Not Just Enable Theft, IT IS THEFT

The Financial System Doesn’t Just Enable Theft, It Is Theft It’s not just inflation that is theft. Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds, 31 July 2013 It is painfully self-evident that our financial system doesn’t just enable theft, it is theft by nature and design. If you doubt this, please follow along.Inflation is theft, but …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Cover-Up on Benghazi — Or John Brennan Forcing CIA Cover-Up on John Brennan and Benghazi?

(1) Saw this on CNN this afternoon; (2) through my own personal set of lenses, I see this as more likely than not to be true in virtually every detail.) Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, …