Marcus Aurelius: CIA Talent Gap Blamed on Management

Bad management drives talent from CIA, internal reports suggest Frustration with poor managers is costing the CIA some of its most talented staff, internal surveys and former officers say. By Ken Dilanian Los Angeles Times, July 29, 2013 WASHINGTON — For the Central Intelligence Agency, he was a catch: an American citizen who had grown …

Owl: High Social Class Predicts More Unethical Behavior

Do These Studies Explain the “Success” of Many of Those in the 1%? And all along we were taught to believe that poor people are the most unethical. Abstract: Seven studies using experimental and naturalistic methods reveal that upper-class individuals behave more unethically than lower-class individuals. In studies 1 and 2, upper-class individuals were more …

Alessandro Politi: The First Financial World War

This article is divided into two parts: the first part will summarise the situation and propose solutions, explaining the analytical and geopolitical reasons behind the war, the main players and events, future evolution and political proposals; the second will set out the events in chronological form, in order to avoid including an excessive amount of …

Patrick Meier: Why Digital Social Capital Matters for Disaster Resilience and Response

Why Digital Social Capital Matters for Disaster Resilience and Response Recent empirical studies have clearly demonstrated the importance of offline social capital for disaster resilience and response. I’ve blogged about some of this analysis here and here. Social capital is typically described as those “features of social organizations, such as networks, norms, and trust, that facilitate …

Mini-Me: CIA Base Chief Convicted of Rendition in Italy Arrested in Panama — Are CIA’s Days of Impunity Over?

Huh? Ex-CIA Milan chief held in Panama over cleric abduction A former CIA station chief convicted by an Italian court of kidnapping a terror suspect has been detained in Panama, Italian officials say. Robert Seldon Lady was sentenced to nine years in jail for his involvement in the abduction of the man, an Egyptian cleric, …

Patrick Meier: Social Media = Resilience [Sub-Text Demands Free Cell Phones for Five Billion Poorest]

Using Social Media to Predict Disaster Resilience Social media is used to monitor and predict all kinds of social, economic, political and health-related behaviors these days. Could social media also help identify more disaster resilient communities? Recent empirical research reveals that social capital is the most important driver of disaster resilience; more so than economic and material resources. To …

4th Media: Russian or Cuban Play on Snowden Hints at Chavez Cancer from CIA

Snowden Hasn’t Yet Had the Last Word: Truth about the Suspicious Death of Chaves? Is That Why US So Nervous? The threats and ultimatums with which the Obama administration is bombarding potential harborers of Edward Snowden should not surprise anyone. No other reaction from the U.S. authorities is possible. The likelihood that Snowden will be able to …