Chuck Spinney: Bin Laden, Perpetual War, Total Cost + Perpetual War RECAP

Osama bin Laden repeatedly said that his strategy for defeating the US and driving it out of the Middle East was to bankrupt the US by suckering it into a string expensive of never ending small wars. Osama may be dead, but the US remains locked in a state of perpetual wars abroad and shrinking …

Paul Fernhout: How Security Clearance Process Harms National Security by Eradicating Cognitive Diversity

This essay discusses how the USA’s security clearance process (mainly related to ensuring secrecy) may have a counter-productive negative effect on the USA’s national security by reducing “cognitive diversity” among security professionals. Background refs: Scott Page wrote an insightful book about the value of “cognitive diversity” in making effective groups, called The Difference: …

Paul Fernhout: Open Letter to the Intelligence Advanced Programs Research Agency (IARPA)

EDIT 4 Sep 2011: Link and misc. fixed. Dear IARPA staff- The greatest threat facing the USA is the irony inherent in our current defense posture, like for example planning to use nuclear energy embodied in missiles to fight over oil fields that nuclear energy could replace. This irony arises in part because the USA’s …