Steve Aftergood: Orgs ask DNI to Preserve Access to World News Connection — Comment on OSC in AF by Robert Steele

ORGS ASK DNI TO PRESERVE ACCESS TO WORLD NEWS CONNECTION More than a dozen professional societies and public interest groups wrote to the Director of National Intelligence last week to ask him to preserve public access to foreign news reports gathered, translated and published by the Open Source Center and marketed to subscribers through the …

Stephen Aftergood: Defense Warning Network

THE DEFENSE WARNING NETWORK The structure and functions of the Defense Warning Network were outlined in a new directive issued yesterday by the Department of Defense. The mission of the Defense Warning Network is to provide notice “of potential threats posed by adversaries, political and economic instability, failed or failing states, and any other emerging …

Stephen Aftergood: White House Sets New Goals for Open Government

WHITE HOUSE SETS NEW GOALS FOR OPEN GOVERNMENT In a new Open Government National Action Plan that was released today, the White House affirmed its support for open government values, and set an agenda for the remainder of the current Administration. “The new plan includes a wide range of actions the Administration will take over …

Steve Aftergood: US IC Cannot Investigate NSA

IC INSPECTOR GENERAL REPORTS ON ACTIVITIES The latest report from the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community provides an updated (and largely redacted) snapshot of the IG’s investigative agenda. During the nine-month period from July 2012 to March 2013, the IC IG internal hotline received 70 contacts or complaints from intelligence agency personnel, as well …

Steve Aftergood: HPSCI Seeks Continuous Monitoring of Security-Cleared Employees [We Do NOT Make This Stuff Up!]

HPSCI Seeks “Continuous Evaluation” of Security-Cleared Employees Recent unauthorized disclosures of classified information might have been prevented if U.S. intelligence agencies “continuously evaluated the backgrounds of employees and contractors,” according to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). In its new report on the FY 2014 intelligence authorization bill, the Committee would require intelligence …

Steven Aftergood: Secrecy News Combined Federal Campaign Number is 11539 — Support Secrecy News If You Can

SUPPORT SECRECY NEWS, IF YOU CAN We hope that all Secrecy News readers will give generously to charitable causes that help relieve those who are in distress, near and far. But if you have something left over and you find our work interesting or useful for your own purposes, then we hope you may also …

Steve Aftergood: Pentagon Drone Program Cut in Half, New Military Doctrine

PENTAGON DRONE PROGRAMS TAPER OFF, AND NEW MIL DOCTRINE The Department of Defense budget for research and procurement of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or drones, is on a distinctly downward slope. The FY 2014 budget request included $2.3 billion for research, development, and procurement of unmanned aerial systems, a decrease of $1.1 billion from the …