Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mark Klein

Dr. Mark Klein (cci.mit.edu/klein/) is a Principal Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, and an Affiliate at the MIT Computer Science and AI Lab (CSAIL) as well as the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI). His research focuses on understanding the cross-cutting fundamentals of coordination and applying these insights to help create better human …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Derek Lomas

Derek Lomas is a PhD student in the Human-Computer Interactions Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is researching the underpinnings of fun and learning within commercial video games and helping to develop new design processes for building effective computer-aided learning games.? Lomas is a co-founder of the Playpower Foundation, which recently received support from …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Bruce LaDuke

Bruce LaDuke has 20 years of Fortune 500 experience in a broad range of roles and has conducted private interdisciplinary studies in knowledge working for most of his adult life. He is author of a blog on the future of knowledge working called HyperAdvance. http://www.hyperadvance.com. Knowledge-creation in collective intelligence

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz

Jason Liszkiewicz (Re-Configure.org) was based in NYC but has moved to China. He’s co-founder and Executive Director of the Earth Intelligence Network, and resource-contributor to OSS.Net. In 2006 he was labeled as a “one man think tank” by J-Lab, Maryland’s Institute for Interactive Journalism. Producing Communities of Communication and Foreknowledge

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Hassan Masum

After postdoctoral research and stints with government, engineering firms, and the National Research Council of Canada, Hassan Masum is now Senior Research Co-ordinator with the McLaughlin-Rotman Center for Global Health in Toronto and a contributor to WorldChanging.com. www.hmasum.com. The Wealth of Networks: Highlights Remixed Interview with Thomas Homer-Dixon Scaling up open problem solving