Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Francis Heylighen

Francis Heylighen is a research professor at the Free University of Brussels (VUB), where he directs the Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group. His research is focused on the self-organization and evolution of complex, intelligent systems consisting of many interacting agents. He is editor of the Principia Cybernetica Project for the development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy, …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Peggy Holman

Peggy Holman convenes conversations that matter using generative processes that call forth the best of who people are and can be to unleash the energy and wisdom to move dreams to action, resulting in more resilient, agile, collaborative and alive people and systems. The second edition of her book, The Change Handbook (Berrett-Koehler, 2007), has …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Keith Hopper

Keith Hopper (www.keithhopper.com) is a web product designer and innovator. He currently leads Public Action™, an online software environment engaging individuals with Public Broadcasters in building unique online communities. The environment runs on public TV and radio stations, along with program websites across the US including www.theworld.org and www.cartalk.com. Keith Hopper is also the Co-founder …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Norman L. Johnson

Dr. Norman Johnson recently became Chief Scientist at Referentia Systems, after 25 years at Los Alamos National Laboratory as a scientist and manager. Because the message is more important than the messenger, see http://CollectiveScience.com. To learn more about Norman Johnson, visithttp://CollectiveScience.com/SymIntel.html Science of CI: Resources for change

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mister Jalopy

Mister Jalopy is a fearlessly experimental welder, woodworker, bicycle mechanic, writer, photographer, embroiderer, artist, electronics troubleshooter, teacher, furniture rebuilder, garage saler, activist, wheeler dealer, street racer, blogger, editor, auto mechanic, speaker, fabricator, builder, large appliance repairman, columnist, designer and entrepreneur. Empowering consumers to be able to repair, rebuild, reuse and reinvent the products they invest …