Koko: US Supplies Head & Body Parts to the World

Exporting Americans: Body brokers supply the world with American heads, limbs and torsos MedCure sells or leases about 10,000 body parts from US donors annually, shipping about 20 percent of them overseas, internal corporate and manifest records show. In addition to bulk cargo shipments to the Netherlands, where MedCure operates a distribution hub, the Oregon …

Ray McGovern: Iran Is Not The Threat — Lies About Iran’s Sponsorship of Terrorism versus Zionist Terrorism Against Iran

MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Is Iran the “World’s Leading Sponsor of Terrorism?” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/BACKGROUND  We are concerned by recent strident and stark public statements from key members of your Administration that paint Iran in very alarmist terms. The average American, without the benefit of history, could easily be …

Gareth Porter: How Dick Cheney and his (Zionist) Allies Created the North Korea Nuclear Missile Crisis

How Cheney and His Allies Created the North Korea Nuclear Missile Crisis The record shows, moreover, that Cheney and his allies derailed diplomatic efforts to curb North Korean nuclear and missile development, not because they opposed “arms control” (after all, the agreements that were negotiated would have limited only North Korean arms), but because those …