#GoogleGestapo: $300 Million Being Invested to Make Fake News “More Authoritative” — Google and YouTube Double Down on Lies

YouTube Debuts Plan to Promote and Fund ‘Authoritative’ News Following a year in which YouTube has repeatedly promoted conspiracy-theory videos during breaking news events like the shootings in Parkland, Florida, and Las Vegas, the company announced on Monday a slew of new features it hopes will make news on the platform more reliable and less …

Phil Giraldi: Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job — How the Zio-Cons Are Fanning the Flames of Hatred with Lies

Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job.“Who is Driving the Hostility towards Russia?” Neocons resurrect tribal memories to fan the flames Alarms about the alleged Russian threat only re-emerged in the neocon dominated media and think tanks when old fashioned nationalist Vladimir Putin took office and made it a principal goal of his government to turn …

Rebecca Campbell: Washington State Lies to Public, Legalizes Commercial Surrogate Parentage (Human Trafficking)

The 2018 Washington State Uniform Parentage Act passed the state legislature completely on party lines, and was signed by the governor into law on March 6, 2018, rescinding a long-standing state statute prohibiting this practice. This law was probably marketed to many of the liberal Democrat majority legislators/state executive branch officials as benignly as enhancing …