Owl: Trans-Pacific Partnership A Worst Case View

Another Cog Coming Into Machinery of US Destruction: The Trans-Pacific Partnership This trade pact is vile beyond words. If passed, it will devastate the US economy, health, well-being and workplace like nothing that has ever come before it, making Clinton’s NAFTA look benign by comparison. This may become Obama’s greatest and most hostile anti-99% accomplishment …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

Berto Jongman: Overview of How NSA Can Socially Graph Anyone Into Virtual Nakedness — Always

How to Build a Secret Facebook By Alex Pasternack Motherboard, 10 June 2013 Since retiring from a three-decade career at the NSA in 2001, a mathematician named William Binney has been telling anyone who will listen about a vast data-gathering operation being conducted by his former employers. “Here’s the grand design,” he told filmmaker Laura Poitras last year. “You …

Mini-Me: Israel Finally Has a Master — China

Huh? Will China Become the New Mideast Mediator? By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall Good thing I have access to CCTV-English (Chinese state television) for international news or I would have totally missed the scoop that Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu has frozen new settlement activity in the Palestinian West Bank. CCTV-English is a free channel on …

GIGANET: World Wide Web Integrity Index — Call for Consultants

Call for Consultants to lead and review research on the Web’s use, utility and impact in 80 countries, contributing to the 2013 Web Index. http://globalintegrity.org/blog/web-index-hiring — Who We Are Looking For:  Professionals from the fields of journalism, non-governmental organization, academia and the private sector with proven record in performing high-quality interviews and desk research, meeting …