Graphic: Pentagon Focused on 10% of the Threat

See Also: Graphic: 1998 Homeland Vulnerability Pyramid Graphic: 2002 New Theory of War & Defense Graphic: Four Forces After Next with IO Graphic: Four Global Belligerent Groups Today Graphic: Four Threat Classes Graphic: Medard Gabel’s Cost of Peace versus War Graphic: OSINT and Multinational Defense in Depth Graphic: OSINT, Missions, & Disciplines Graphic: Principles of …

Chuck Spinney: Pentagon Underfunded? Integrity Lacking…

Why the Pentagon Is Always Underfunded CHUCK SPINNEY, The Blaster, July 19, 2011 Cap Ferrat, France The courtiers in the Hall of Mirrors that is Versailles on the Potomac are lining up to give Leon Panetta advice on how to manage the Pentagon in the coming era of budget “constraints.”  Most of this wisdom takes the form …

Stephen Aftergood: Pentagon Dismisses Presidential Promises of Open Government, Mounts Major Campaign to Control UN-Classified Information

PENTAGON TIGHTENS GRIP ON UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION In 2005, the U.S. Army issued a new field manual on the military use of dogs, which it said were being “employed in dynamic ways never before imagined.”  The field manual was approved for public release and marked for unlimited distribution.  See FM 3-19.17, “Military Working Dogs” (pdf), 6 …