Stephen E. Arnold: Cash-Fueled Arrogance Displaced Innovation in IT Sector — No One Paying for the Plumbing [Facebook is Arrogant, Lazy, & Stupid]

Innovation: Bring Cash Last week, two of the senior ArnoldIT professionals delivered a one hour lecture to a select group of executives. The topic was related to our work in locating high-value information using open source content sources. Shortly after our presentation I read “Google Was Willing to Beat Facebook’s $19B Offer for WhatsApp.” Quite …

SchwartzReport: Four Ways Human Health is Destroyed by Unethical Corporations and the Governments they Bribe

Democracy by design is a zero sum game. Elections are revolutions without the guns. Part of the problem faced by social progressives is that all too many of us have a gut rejection of reality when it is negative. In my view you can’t fight a battle if you are unwilling to accurately assess the …

Jean Lievens: Open Source Electronics, 3D Printing, & Robotics Creating a Revolution in Manufacturing

From – February 8, 11:16 PM Three innovations — 3D printing, robotics, and open source electronics — are breaking that mold of manufacturing. They’re ushering in a new era based on customization, on demand manufacturing, and regional, even local manufacturing. 3D Printing Has Started A Revolution Paul R. Brody Huffington Post, 30 January 2014 …

Owl: Chem-Trails Chickens Coming Home to Roost: Direct Proof of Covert Weather Engineering?

Chem-Trails Chickens Coming Home to Roost: Direct Proof of Covert Weather Engineering? In various areas of the US, recent snow that has come down is not snow. This material does not melt. The videos below, which clearly show this, demonstrate what’s coming down from the sky, though it looks like snow, is not snow, yet …