Stephen E. Arnold: Google Risks 90% of Revenue on Shift to AI for Search

Alphabet Google Search: Dominance Ending? I read “Will PageRank Expiration Threaten Google’s Dominance.” The main point is that Google’s shift to artificial intelligence “hurt Google Search’s market share and its stock price?” The write up references the 1997 write up about the search engine’s core algorithms. (There is no reference to the work by Jon …

Sepp Hasslberger: Vaccine Researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield (connected vaccines with autism) Vindicated, Sues British Medical Journal

Slowly grind the mills of justice …  It is now more than ten years ago that the vaccine establishment came after Andrew Wakefield and John Walker Smith and raked them over hot coals for saying that perhaps the MMR vaccine had something to do with the intestinal trouble many kids seemed to be having. The …

Jeremy Lent – Liology — Man’s Search for Meaning and the Emergence of a Sustainability Consensus

My name is Jeremy Lent and I’m the founder of The Liology Institute, an organization dedicated to fostering a worldview that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on this planet. My work explores the profound and far-reaching implications of recognizing that meaning arises intrinsically from the natural world, and points the way to how we …

Stephen E. Arnold: Web Cam Search Engine

Shodan: Web Cam Search Engine Get ready for the next snowpocalype. Navigate to “Shodan Search Engine Provides Access to Hundreds of Unsecured Webcams.” The write up describes how the unsecured webcam search engine finds unsecured webcams. The system may prove interesting to those explore.

Antechinus: Research-Led Publishing

Researcher-Led Publishing Ubiquity Press is an open access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals, books and data operating a highly cost-efficient model that makes quality open access publishing affordable for everyone.

Worth a Look: Tamera – School and Research Station for a Future without War — a Realistic Utopia

Tamera is a School and Research Station for Realistic Utopia The project was founded in Germany in 1978. In 1995 it moved to Portugal. Today 170 people live and work on a property of 330 acres. The founding thought was to develop a non-violent life model for cooperation between human being, animal and nature. Soon it …