Mongoose: Biggest Threat to the USA is … the USA

The Biggest Threat to America’s Future Is … America Britain, France, Germany, and Italy have decided, over the objections of the United States, to join the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, a new international-development institution, set up by China, that is poised to become a potential rival to the World Bank. Read full article.

Gareth Porter: How Israel Games the Iran Threat

The long history of Israel gaming the ‘Iranian threat’ Years before his recent grandstanding in Congress, Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders conjured a threat where one previously didn’t exist Gareth Porter is an independent investigative journalist and winner of the 2012 Gellhorn Prize for journalism. He is the author of the newly published Manufactured Crisis: The …

Review (Guest): Thieves of State – Why Corruption Threatens Global Security

Sarah Chayes 5 of 5 Stars. An Important Book By Deborah O’Keeffe on January 26, 2015 I believe Thieves of State is a must-read for anyone concerned about promoting peace and civility in communities, nations, and the world. Sarah Chayes compellingly discusses how the corrupt practices of governments and authorities spawn violent reactionary movements that …

SchwartzReport: Domestic Population Threat — Muslims Have More Babies and Do Not Assimilate

In terms of Europe where nations such a France, U.K. and Germany have huge unassimilated minorities the fact that the Muslim minority has a birth rate of 4.5 children per couple while the indigenous Europeans are below the sustainable threshold of 1.85 live births (or 2.1 by some calculation). Over time that means the percentage …

Stephen E. Arnold: A Balanced View of “Artificial Intelligence” — Elementary, Not a Threat — Most, Including Factiva, Have Missed the Boat…

Artificial Intelligence: Duh? What? I have been following the “AI will kill us”, the landscape of machine intelligence craziness, and “Artificial Intelligence Isn’t a Threat—Yet.” The most recent big thinking on this subject appears in the Wall Street Journal, an organization in need of any type of intelligence: Machine, managerial, fiscal, online, and sci-fi. Harsh? …