Ralph Peters: Testimony to Congress on Pakistan As a Failing Empire, Focus on Baluchistan

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations House Committee on Foreign Affairs Baluchistan Hearing, February 8, 2012 Testimony of Ralph Peters, military analyst and author “PAKISTAN AS A FAILING EMPIRE” 2012-02-09 Ralph Peters House Testimony, Baluchistan and Pakistan (8 pages, doc) Introductory remarks: This testimony arises from three premises. First, we cannot analyze global events through reassuring …

Penguin: The Heart of Darkness is Empire

Britain’s Empire: Resistance, Repression and Revolt by Richard Gott – review The violence at the heart of colonialism is exposed in Richard Gott’s history Richard Drayton Guardian, 7 December 2011 Amazon Page for Reviewer’s Book Nature’s Government “We insisted on reserving the right to bomb niggers.” So David Lloyd George explained the British government’s demand …

Mini-Mi: DHS Has Not Gotten Its Death Notice — Planning $5 Billion Make-Over of Former Insane Asylum for Hill-Top Empire

The Department of Homeland Security’s New HQ is an Abandoned Insane Asylum public intelligence.net, 26 September 2011 Five miles southeast of the gleaming Capitol dome, on a scenic bluff overlooking the confluence of the Potomac and Anacostia rivers, the future office of the secretary of Homeland Security sits boarded up and abandoned. Four years ago, …

John Robb: Concentration of Wealth = Central Planning = Fall of US Empire from Misappropriation

JOURNAL: Central Planning and The Fall of the US Empire Here’s some thinking that draws on decision making theory.  It’s very much in line with how the late John Boyd (America’s best strategist) would approach it. ___________ One of the most interesting underlying reasons for the decline of the Soviet Union, and soon the US, …