#UNRIG: Should MeetUp Be Investigated for Sedition & Racketeering? Lawsuit Planned — Meanwhile Facebook Prepares to Wipe MeetUp Out…

Should MeetUp Be Investigated for Sedition & Racketeering? When MeetUp closed our #UNRIG Pro (paid) national network, 435 MeetUps in the making with revenue for MeetUp of $77,300, we thought MeetUp had been victim of a Zionist campaign of false reports — what Zionists do for institutions is file hundreds of “inappropriate content” reports such …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Targetting Vulnerable Kids – A Branch of #GoogleGestapo?

Facebook Excitement: The Digital Country and Kids I read “Facebook Admits Oversight after Leak Reveals Internal Research On Vulnerable Children.” The write up reports that an Australian newspaper: reported that Facebook executives in Australia used algorithms to collect data on more than six million young people in Australia and New Zealand, “indicating moments when young …

Mongoose: Facebook as MindControl – Targetting Vulnerable Youth

New Leaks Reveals How Facebook Targets Emotionally Vulnerable Youth The secret document was put together by two Australian Facebook execs and includes information about when young people are likely to feel excited, reflective, as well as other emotions related to overcoming fears. By Nick Whigham | May 1, 2017 MintPressNews Facebook has come under fire …