Robert Steele: The Death of Facebook … and Twitter and YouTube — the post #GoogleGestapo Internet is Emergent

A day does not go by that I do not receive inputs from citizens all over the world, generally of remarkably high quality and focus. Below the fold is a death notice for Facebook, which will probably not be able to rise to the European Community mandate that all end users must own their own …

James Fetzer: Are Sandy Hook “Victims” Alive and Well on Facebook?

It is five years since the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting massacre of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper, school safety consultant, and a Sandy Hook “truther” whom Lenny Pozner sued but then dropped the lawsuit. On New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, …

Nafeez Ahmed: Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years …

Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years — unless we stop it What do NATO, private military contractors, giant arms manufacturers, wine merchants, the NSA, Trump, British property tycoons, Russian oligarchs, and Big Oil have in common? The world’s largest social network We reveal for the first time [Cambridge Analytica’s] sweeping interlinkages with …

ZeroHedge: Facebook Founder Warns “God Only Knows What It’s Doing To Kids’ Brains”

38-year-old founding president of Facebook, Sean Parker, was uncharacteristically frank about his creation in an interview with Axios. So much so in fact that he concluded, Mark Zuckerberg will probably block his account after reading this. Confirming every ‘big brother’ conspiracy there is about the social media giant, Parker explained how social networks purposely hook …