Yoda: Defense Analysis Best Case…

Transforming Defense Analysis By Catherine Johnston, Elmo C. Wright, Jr., Jessica Bice, Jennifer Almendarez, and Linwood Creekmore | Joint Forces Quarterly, October 01, 2015 Object-based production is a concept being implemented as a whole-of-community initiative that fundamentally changes the way the IC organizes information and intelligence. Reduced to its simplest terms, OBP creates a conceptual …

Robert Parry — NYT — and Bellingcat — Lack Integrity with Fraudulent Anti-Russian “Analysis”

Will NYT Retract Latest Anti-Russian ‘Fraud’? In a fresh embarrassment for The New York Times, a photographic forensic expert has debunked a new amateurish, anti-Russian analysis of satellite photos related to the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014, labeling the work “a fraud.”   . . .   But Kramer and the …

Who’s Who in Cultural & Peace Intelligence: Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield, a U.S citizen since 2010, served in the British military and then as a senior civilian intelligence officer, finishing his U.K. government service as a policy advisor in the UK Ministry of Defense (MOD).  His specializations included Counter Terrorism (CT), Counter Insurgency Operations (COIN) and Information Operations (IO).

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Engine Intelligence Gathering — Interview with Singularity Weblog’s Nikola Danaylov

If you are curious to learn more about the purveyor of the Beyond Search blog, you should check out Singularity’s interview with “Stephen E Arnold On Search Engine And Intelligence Gathering.”  A little bit of background about Arnold is that he is an expert specialist in content processing, indexing, online search as well as the …