Chuck Spinney: Robert Rubin, ROOT for the Collapse — With Bill Clinton as Active Enabler of Wall Street Crime — None of the “Advisors” Show Deep Integrity

Attached herewith is an important report in the Guardian.  It places the deregulation of Wall Street during the Clinton Administration into a particularly smarmy perspective by examining documents just released by the Clinton library.  Note the connections to players now in the Obama Administration. This report paints a revealing albeit depressingly familiar portrait of how …

Chuck Spinney: Guy Taylor on Afghanistan and US $100 Billion Hold — Not Ready to Govern? Or US Not Competent at Focused Aid?

EXCLUSIVE: Confidential U.S. assessments show Afghanistan not ready to govern on own State Department tries to hide risks of corruption Read the full story. Confidential U.S. assessments, which the State Department tried to hide from the public, show nearly all Afghan Cabinet ministries are woefully ill-prepared to govern after the U.S. withdraws its troops, often describing …

Chuck Spinney: Todd Pierce on Cheneyism — Are We the New Nazis?

Todd Pierce has produced a tour de force that is crucially important to your appreciation of the increasing possibility of Cold War II. Related subjects not discussed include (1) the role of domestic politics in shaping the systematic expansion of NATO in violation of our promises to Gorbachev as a quid pro quo for ending …

Chuck Spinney: Ukraine Hysteria, Spies, Lies, & Pentagon Budget Games

This report/analysis in Le Monde Diplomatique (also attached below) provides a background on the rise of far right — some would say neo-fascist — politics in Ukraine.  I have reformatted and highlighted it to emphasize points that struck me as important.  If you find my markup distracting, the preceding link will take you to the …

Chuck Spinney: Amateur Hour? Or Corrupt Idiots in Power in Washington?

This essay (also attached below, argues that Syrian civil war places the contradictions in US/UK foreign policy into sharp relief. While the author, Peter Oborn, does not say so, the proximate cause of these contradictions is a fatally-flawed grand strategic appreciation of the threats and interests implicit in the Syrian civil war (the criteria for evolving a …

Chuck Spinney: Immanuel Wallerstein on Saudi Arabia – Besieged and Fearful

Saudi Arabia: Besieged and Fearful The Saudi regime has long been considered a pillar of political stability in the Middle East, a country that commanded respect and prudence from all its neighbors. This is no longer true, and the first ones to recognize this are those who are important internal players in the regime. Today, …