Chuck Spinney: How the Secret World Destroys Reputations – The Banality of Evil

The political theorist Hannah Arendt coined the phrase “banality of evil” to describe her highly controversial thesis that “the great evils in history generally, and the Holocaust in particular, were not executed by fanatics or sociopaths, but by ordinary people who accepted the premises of their state and therefore participated with the view that their …

Chuck Spinney: Has the Tide Turned Against Zionism? Pariah Status and Isolation Ahead for Zionist Isreal?

Inflection points in history are usually very difficult to see until well after they have occurred.  Jonathan Cook, one of the most astute observers of the Palestinian Question, argues that one may be at hand wrt to the Palestinian Question.  To me, this seems incredible, but we live in interesting times.  CS Pariah Status and …

Chuck Spinney: Corruption in Congress – The Iron Triangle

Revolving Door Syndrome in the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex The Best Government Money Can Buy by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, COUNTERPUNCH, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 Those of you who think it is incorrect to attach “Congressional” onto the the end of Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC) would be well advised to read “Lawmaker holds stock in defense contractor he …

Chuck Spinney: Is US Starting a New Cold War in the Ukraine? At What Cost to Our Future?

WEEKEND EDITION JAN 31-FEB 02, 2014 Fanning the Fires of Chaos in the Ukraine What is the Real Price of Starting Another Cold War? by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch In the late 1980s, the leaders of the West promised Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev that they would not expand eastward if the Soviet Union pulled …

Chuck Spinney: Should US Leave Afghanistan? Is BBC Out of Its Mind? Robert Steele Comments

The attached BBC report/video by John Simpson describing Afghan attitudes toward the US/UK exit struck me as bizarre.  The weight of Simpson’s gist is that most Afghans do not want us to leave.  But the report based most of its information on interviews in Kabul and only a short part (the wobbly part) on the …

Chuck Spinney: Cracks in the Alliance – Is There Finally Daylight Between Israel and the US?

The author is one of the sharpest observers of developments in the Middle East. CS WEEKEND EDITION JANUARY 24-26, 2014 Is There Finally Daylight Between Israel and the US? Cracks in the Alliance? by JONATHAN COOK, Counterpunch Things have come to a strange state of affairs when Washington regards Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s far-right foreign minister, …